Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Race Issue? Or Just an Issue?

Some things have been on the dome heavy for a few days. I just don't know how to get it all out. I think my mind needs it's own organizational plan. I was on Facebook [I live on there when I don't have anything to do...seriously] and saw someones status stating something like how would the world be if race was not an issue. I took it meaning if we were all classified as people...not black, white, asian, british, japanese, etc. I think to deal with that we'd have to go back and modify something that can't be undone [HISTORY]. Not just times of slavery, or immigrants into the U.S. but back into Biblical times cause even then issues occured between races.

Yea but my point is this, I think I we saw people for people and not because of the race there would still be problems. Would there not be "racism"? [definately not] it would become some type of discrimination by another name. Not being negative on purpose it's just how I feel the way of the world is shaped.


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Unfinished Business.

Some Unfinished Business of Mine. It may come full circle one day. But I have writers block when it comes to finishing them. If I get interrupeted during my writings before I go back to edit they usually never get finish. Simply because I lose the the mood/vibe I was having at the moment. Anyway Enjoy.

I lied this one I don't think Ima add to.

To be near you is like a breath of fresh air. Something I need every so often just to keep me sane. But the truth is I'm going insane. I keep doing the same things day in and day out...with each try expecting a different result. But I don't stop. I never will all the while knowing that the outcome will never change. You'll still be there, I'll still be here. But it's fine with me. My soul is peaceful and I still know the rhythm of our hearts has not changed. They still beat together yet differently in the most melodic way I've ever known. But I keep breathing imaging that you are right beside me when I need that breath of fresh air. Keeping me sane despite the insane things I put myself through.

This one really do need some more work.

Terrified. So scared you start convulsing. Wanting to stop, wanting to regain control over yourself. But you can't. The more you fight the more uncontrollable you become. You open your mouth to scream out for help, but the agonizing pain has reduced you to silent whimpers. No one hears you cry. No one knows you're hurting. No knows you need help. Everyone who's ever tried to help you in the past has been pushed away by you.